Patiently Waiting: A Short Story

We are waiting for an ambulance. After a week of various diagnoses my son is feeling sick, not eating, not drinking, and not taking his medicine...

Fractured: A Flash Fiction Story

Annabeth shuts the book and leans over Iris, placing a kiss on top of her damp forehead. She is running a fever and will surely wake up overnight when the medication wears off. It pricks Annabeth’s conscience to know that Iris will cry out for “Daddy” until she remembers that he no longer lives here...

What The Looking Glass Reflects: A Flash Fiction Story

Carol liked to stand in corners when she was anxious. It calmed her down to tighten her focus on a dried drip of paint, the seam in wallpaper, or a crack in the wall of the visiting Professor's house. Her husband was a professor of History at Sweetgum University. The booming emptiness of the house, like a quarry, played on Carol's nerves...